Visions and Values

At Wellesley Park Primary, all staff have worked collaboratively, to consider and consolidate our school’s purpose. Where are we going, how are we getting there and how we ensure the best possible outcomes for all of our children whilst reinforcing our school motto of: “Reaching for Success Together”.
The Castle Partnership vision statement: 'Belief In Every Child' is a vision that we whole-heartedly support, and as a school within the Blackdown Education Partnership, we are delighted to be able to share this.
Our school values are:


Respect   Resilience   Integrity  Tolerance  Responsibility  Excellence  

These will form the themes for our weekly whole school assemblies, weekly class reflection times and general discussion points throughout the day. We will also celebrate individual pupils’ ability to demonstrate these values, through the presentation of ‘Super Student’ award certificates, in our whole school celebration assemblies.
Our whole school community supports our vision, reflecting the school’s ethos whilst enabling our pupils to flourish and thrive.



Below you will find more information about why each of our values was chosen, how we might expect the value to be shown, key vocabulary and more.