Our Team ...

Welcome to Wellesley Park Primary School. On this page you will be able to find out who is who and what their responsibilities are.

Our school is part of Blackdown Education Partnership:

Lorraine Heath - CEO / Executive Head

Hannah Gibson-Patel - Chair of Governors

Senior Leadership Team:

Carly Wilkins - Headteacher 

Annika Baines - Interim Deputy Head / Upper Key Stage 2 Lead

Emmie Hartley-Criddle - SENDCo

Katie Long - EYFS/Year 1 Lead

Francesca Murphy - Phase Lead Year2/3

Ryan Clancey - Phase Lead Year 4

Jo Lilley - School Business Manager

Safeguarding Team:

Carly Wilkins - Lead Designated Safeguarding Officer / Headteacher

Emmaline Hartley-Criddle - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer

Jackie Bagnell - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer

Andrea Bolton - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer

Anthony Goble (Somerset County Council) - LADO


Teaching Staff:


Reception/Year 1:

Katie Long (Peake)

Nadine Winsor (Sharman)

Lucy Barrell (Armstrong)


Year 2/Year3:

Lydia White (Earhart)

Francesca Murphy  (Cousteau)

Amber Mitton (Norgay)

Year 4:

Nick Booty (Henson)

Ryan Clancey (Shackleton)


Year 5:

Vicky Pilling / Ellie Taylor (Attenborough)

George Chamberlin / Emmie Hartley-Criddle ( Darwin)

Hannah Gulliver (Spruce)

Year 6:

Annika Baines / Tom Doyle (Bell)

Kate Fitzgerald / Leigh Morris (Kingsley)


Higher Level Teaching Assistant:

Annelise Hojme Gainham


Teaching and Learning Support Assistants:

 Alison Burnett                                               Jenny Coles

Catherine Harris                                            Katy Bartlett

Denise Poole                                                 Kay Gladstone-Smith                 

Harriet Sydenham                                         Laura Bagwell

Hollie Thomas                                               Natasha Hole                              

Hope Wilkin                                                   Rebecca Andrews

Sarah Bambridge                                          Sarah Stafford



Pastoral Support

Jackie Bagnell

Assistant to SENDco

Amanda Kent


Office Staff:

Jo Lilley

Annie Matthews

Zahra Atri 

Laurie Isaacs


Midday Supervisors:

Alison Burnett                            Hope Wilkin

Amanda Kent                             Jenny Coles

Caroline Davey                          Katy Bartlett

Catherine Harris                         Laura Bagwell

Samantha Keane                       Natahsa Hole

Denise Poole                             Rebecca Andrews

Harriet Sydenham                     Sarah Stafford

Hollie Thomas                            



Kirsty Elliott

Megan Pym

Anne Hollick

Rebecca Hunt

Stephanie Richards

Phillippa Tyler

Amy Bradley


Dukes' AM:                                                 Dukes' PM:                                    

Kay Gladstone-Smith                                 Julie Cassling - Supervisor

Sara Higby                                                  Alison Burnett

                                                                   Sara Higby 

                                                                   Shelley Thorne